902 1st Ave E, Kalispell, MT 59901 - 406.755.5238 - Office Hours: 8:30-12:00, T-F

Sunday School

Children's classes 

Classes meet downstairs during the 9:00 am Sunday School hour

For Children Ages 2 - 5 & Grades 1 - 5 Children age 2 through grade 5 can explore God’s Word through a Bible-based curriculum on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. The children are then dismissed to their individual classrooms for a Bible lesson, memory verse, Biblical application and prayer.

Ages 2-3 (Room# 7) Children enjoy time to play, hear a Bible story, say a prayer and have a snack.
A craft is also available for those who are interested.

Age 4 - Kindergarten (Room# 4) Children learn about God through Bible Stories. This is a place where children worship together through song, artwork and prayer.

1st/2nd grade (Room# 2) Children enjoy a rich time including Bible-based lessons, review games,
memory verses and a time for prayer.

3rd grade (Room# 3) Children enjoy a rich time including Bible-based lessons, review games,
memory verses and a time for prayer.

4th/5th grades (Room# 1) Children enjoy a rich time including Bible-based lessons, review games, memory verses and a time for prayer.

Adult Classes

Classes meet in the upstairs hallway during the 9:00 am Sunday School hour
Colossians (Room 205)
2 Corinthians (Room 203)