
Nursery is available during the 10:15 Sunday morning worship service for children under the Age of 2.

Nursery Coordinator: Marcia Snyder (406) 314-2112

Our volunteers create a fun and loving environment for the children.  We strive to show these precious little ones God's love and try to create a place where they feel save and comforted.  We provide a variety snack options for the children.

An “Unmanned" nursery is available across the hall from the regular nursery, where mothers can listen to the service and babies can nap. This room offers privacy for moms and babies. There are rocking chairs and several cribs available. Please check with the workers in the regular nursery if you need help with anything.


Please make sure your child is REGISTERED with the Nursery staff.  It is important that we have complete information so we can keep your children safe and can locate you if we have any concerns. 

Sick Child Policy:
Please DO NOT bring your child to the nursery if they have any symptoms of fever, cough. running nose, etc. within the last 24 hours.  Any illness is easily spread at this age and we want to be courteous and thoughtful to the other children.

If your child comes down with an illness (chickenpox, whooping cough, etc.) within a week of having been in the nursery, please call the Nursery Coordinator.  We want to make sure that all families are informed of the potential spread of the illness. 


  1. Sign-in child on clipboard. Please include cell phone # and any special instructions.
  2. Diaper bags and other personal items should be hung on the hooks just inside the door.
  3. Diapers will be changed as needed. Please let the nursery worker know if there is any special situation that may require extra attention. (Diapers are provided in the nursery.)
  4. Parents are welcome to stay with their child in the nursery when necessary; however, they should care only for their child and allow the approved Nursery Workers to care for the other children. However no other children are allowed in the Nursery.
  5. Children will have a snack time. We have Cheerios, Goldfish, Ritz crackers, Graham crackers. If there are any of these you prefer you child not to have, please mark this down on the sign-in sheet.
  6. Children will be given water in a sippy cup; if the child has their own cup, please let the nursery worker know and label with the child's name.
  7. If we need to contact you, we will ask the Courtesy Patrol to locate you or if you have a cell phone we may be able to TEXT you.
  8. In Case of Fire or Other Emergency, all children will be taken to the Hope House front porch inside the fenced yard. There is a posted evacuation plan in the Nursery for your information.
  9. Children should be picked up by a parent or other approved adult (grandparent or other relative, etc.) not by a sibling.
  10. Tables, chairs, and changing table are wiped off at the end of each nursery shift. All toys are sanitized each week.  Any toys that have been put into a child's mouth or any blankets that have been used, are washed after each use.