Men's Ministries

"...Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." -Mark 10:43-45


Men of faith have a high calling to serve the Lord through serving their community, their families, and each other. This sacrifice of service follows the Lord's example, and is only accomplished in His strength. 

Men's Prayer Fellowships

Fellowship, accountability, and above all, time in the Word provide a vital means for the man of God to grow in His walk with the Lord. To learn more about men's groups that already meet, see the list of Men's Prayer Fellowships.

Men's Fellowship Events

The annual men’s retreat occurs each year and is a great time for guys to get away, fellowship, and spend time in God’s word. Mix in some shotguns, ice fishing, good preaching, competitive dodge ball, a few late night games, and plenty of food, and you’ve got the ingredients for a great weekend.

New Opportunities

The men of our congregation are challenged to continually seek out new ways to serve, even if this means creating new ministries. If the Lord has placed an opportunity before you, seek the help of Godly men of this community to come alongside and "roll up their sleeves."