"Train up a child in the way he should go;
Even when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6
"Let the Children Come to Me . . . "
Several times during His earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated a tender concern and care for the youngest and smallest of the crowds that followed Him: the children. It is our desire at CBC to reflect that love in our Children's Ministries. Each of these ministries is designed to point these precious young ones to salvation in Jesus Christ in age-appropriate ways in a loving and safe environment.
Pointing Them to Jesus
Please click on the heading of each ministry for more information.
Nursery care is available during both the 9:00 and 10:30 Sunday morning worship services for children from birth through age 2. There is also a nursing mothers' room across the hall from the nursery room in the basement.
Sunday School
Children's Sunday School classes meet downstairs in the fireside room during the 9:00am Sunday School hour. This class is for 1st-5th grade.
Children's Church
During the 10:30 am service, children from ages 2 through 5th grade are dismissed from the main service, after singing, to Children's Church classes throughout the building.
Ages 2 - 3 (Room #7) Children enjoy time to play, hear a Bible story, say a prayer and have a snack. A craft is also available for those who are interested.
Ages 4 (Room #7) Children learn about God through Bible Stories. This is a place where children worship together through song, artwork and prayer.
Children’s Church Grades 1-5 (Fireside Room) Children participate in the worship service until they are dismissed at 11:00. They enjoy a fun-filled time including Bible-based lessons, competitive review games, active music, and candy!
AWANA programs run Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:30-8:00 pm throughout the building.
In a Safe and Loving Environment
Child Protection
Recognizing God’s tender love and concern for children (Luke 18:16) we believe it is our responsibility to do all that is reasonably possible to protect the children and youth of this church from any type of abuse while under our care.
All Children and Youth workers are required to complete an application (including personal references), personal interview, background check, and Abuse Prevention Training course. Final approval is granted through the “Children and Youth Workers Review Committee”. A contact person is provided for each area of service. Each Ministry Leader has established specific guidelines for their area of service.
Behavioral Guidelines
We show God’s love to those around us by how we treat one another and the ministry facility.
- Respect—treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Kindness—take turns, share and be kind to one another.
- Honesty—tell the truth.
- Safety—act in a way that is not harmful to others.